Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Emotional Rollercoaster

This is an illustration which shows how Bertie makes me feel. He tugs on my emotions. He makes me feel sad, angry, confused and bloody mad at times but he won't win. 

I've had a few moments like this over the past few days. I nearly had one of these 'moments' in Boots yesterday. Picture me, collecting my prescription- a Keane song started playing and I just came over really sad! 

My phenytoin (anti seizure medication) has been increased as my levels are still on the lower side which makes me slightly anxious as I fear the seizures so much but the fact I haven't had one for many weeks now after the first lot is good. 

Sometimes when I am out and about I bump into people who don't really know how to react or who give me the sad eyes- it's ok, I get it. It is sad...but...I'm still Gem underneath and that won't change! Never, ever, ever- promise!  

P.s Bertie Blog has had over 2000 hits now. Thank you so much for listening to my story and following my journey. 

Xx Gem 

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